Thursday, September 17, 2009

What a day!

This morning our basement flooded with sewage (ewwww). Bryce called and had Mr. Rooter come out. The guy snaked our drain and found all sorts of yumminess including tree roots! Yay... and that was 340 down our drain... ahaa-ahaa, get it. Then I accidentally dumped the garbage can all over the kitchen floor while Bryce was trying to clean up our basement and get the nasty poo smell gone. After all was calm I had given Sammy some puffs to snack on and was in the kitchen getting my lunch. Bryce was sitting in the chair eating his lunch zoned into the TV when Sammy started choking. My first thought was "Bryce will get him"... then I hear him again, still choking. So I come in and Sammy is standing right in front of Bryce choking and Bryce is focused on the TV! I could have beat him right there, but I had more important things to worry about. So I yell "Bryce" as I am heading towards them. He does the finger sweep... nothing, still choking and not breathing... his lips were starting to turn purple... I do the finger sweep, nothing there. I am saying loudly "he's not breathing!" Sammy gasps and gets a bit of air in but still is obviously choking so I pick him up and put him on my knee head down facing downward and begin to pound his back. He is breathing and crying hysterically. Thank God. His little lip was quivering but becoming red again. He was scared. He wanted nothing to do with me and just wanted to hold on to daddy. He was still having a hard time swallowing and catching his breath so we offered him water but he wouldn't touch it. I sat down with him and nursed him to get some fluid down in his throat and he has been fine since. Since then we have only had a few little minor setbacks like Sammy not napping, but it all seems so trivial now. I am so thankful that I remembered what to do in that situation. Sammy has always been a choker because he puts way to much in his mouth at once. I have always kept a close watch on him when eating and have always dreaded the moment when the finger sweep didn't work... I'm so glad that moment has passed us now and I can go on with confidence in knowing that I can handle that moment. Side note... I got over Bryce not responding right away, he had quite the morning and was pretty tore up about seeing his little boy like that. Right now, as corny as it sounds, I feel like saying "bring it on world, I can handle your crap!" I think maybe I'll go snuggle Sammy and try to catch a little snooze with him. :)

1 comment:

  1. good lordie, tricia!! what a day is right! oh my gosh...i'm so glad that everything is awesome job, girl. i've never had to do that, thank God. hopefully i'd remember what to do too, but *hopefully* i won't ever need to find out.

    hope you have a VERY relaxing day tomorrow. ;)
