Monday, June 8, 2009

Well I guess I'm a blogger now!

Today is June 8th 2009. Not a whole lot going on here today. It is cool and rainy out so Sammie and I are just hanging out inside. Sammie will be a big ONE in 9 days. I have such mixed emotions about it. It is so exciting to reach this huge milestone, but just a few days ago I came across the sample photos taken at the hospital and my eyes welled up with tears. I can't believe how fast this year has flown by. On a happy note he is almost walking on his own! He walks back and forth to Bryce and I quite well but isn't confident enough in himself to do it on his own. He is a thinker... you can see it in his eyes. He is almost always plotting his next move rather than just plowing through like a lot of kids his age. He will not do things he's not ready to do and you can't make him either. He's a funny kid with tons of personality and attitude. I am pretty excited to see whats next with him:)
Gotta go change his stinky bum! I'll be back later.

1 comment:

  1. yay. a blog. loves it.

    so fun to hear about your little one. and also so fun to figure out the personalities of your children. i love this job, don't you? ;)
